How Can You Improve Your Users’ Experience on Facebook?

Facebook is very focused on ensuring that their users stay their users. In an effort to do so, they updated their algorithm to improve their user experience. If you want your posts to continue to show up organically, then you should be focusing on the Facebook user’s experience as well.

Think of it this way. Content marketing has a critical piece of digital marketing strategy for years now. With every company in the world being able to write, publish, and share their own content on social media, it’s no wonder that content saturation is an issue on Facebook.

There are dozens of ways to improve the user experience, and they all begin by considering the buyer journey above your own content. If you are always putting your users’ experience above your own, then you will continue to improve your Organic Reach on Facebook.

Focusing on your end user doesn’t mean you need to make massive shifts. In fact, to prove this, here are 10 quick tips that you can implement today to help boost your business page’s Organic Reach immediately.

1. Quality over quantity wins every time

Facebook doesn’t care if you’re posting every day. They care if what you’re posting engages their users. Rather than posting as frequently as possible, try posting only what matters. In fact, try copying and pasting entire blogs into posts.

This strategy should trickle up to your content marketing strategy in general – try only writing blogs that people want to read, not just blogs that will boost your SEO. Helping the user is the new SEO.

2. Share content people want to see

Facebook measures a good post in several ways, including how people react to it. For example, a post that gets more comments, reactions, and shares will continue to show up at the top of users Newsfeeds and increasing its Organic Reach. Rather than sharing content you want to share, share content users want to see.

3. Use Facebook’s “Preferred Audience” tool

Facebook’s Preferred Audience tool allows you to narrow down who sees your posts. Instead of simply posting and hoping that your post makes it to the right audience, you can now specify who sees your post.

For example, some of your posts may perform better if you target users in a specific area, or users in a certain demographic. Take the time to browse the tool and try a few new specific audiences to improve your Organic Reach. Click here for more information on the Preferred Audience tool.

4. Ask questions

If you ask a question at the end of your post, you’re more likely to get a comment because people love to share their opinions. This also increases your likelihood of getting reactions and shares because people interact with engaging and dynamic content, and they’ll want to share it with their friends.

All of these elements feed into the Facebook algorithm to increase your Organic Reach by proving that your content is relevant, engaging, and share-worthy.

5. Optimize your business page

Optimizing your business page leaves nothing to the imagination of a user. It includes your branding, messaging, and persona. It aids in the buyer journey on social, and it also includes any relevant URLs (such as to your website), contact information, and even mission statement.

6. Educate your followers on how to help

You can make sure your engaged audience sees your posts first by telling them how to update their settings. This alerts Facebook that your content is worth being notified about and will greatly improve your Organic Reach.

And if you think of this holistically, just as your Organic Reach is declining, users are seeing fewer posts that aren’t being sponsored, so this is a great way to improve your reliability with engaged users by letting them know that you’re aware of changes and are evolving along with them.

7. Don’t only share links

Post things other than just blog or website page links. If a user wants to learn more about your business, they’re savvy enough to find your website URL on your business page. Instead of focusing on only self-promotional linking, try using all of Facebook’s content sharing tools – create an event, album, or video directly in their platform instead!

8. Boosting posts

You may have heard the phrase that Facebook is becoming “pay to play.” Boosting posts is an example of this. Whenever a post is performing well organically, Facebook coaches recommend you boost that post. Rather than an ad, boosting posts simply means you are paying to increase the audience of a post.

Typically, these posts don’t link away from Facebook – they perform best as pictures, videos, or long-form posts. Alternatively, linking away from Facebook typically performs best in the form of an ad.

9. Ask for reviews

Word of mouth is still an incredibly powerful tool. Reviews are the word of mouth of digital marketing. Whenever a client reviews your company, they are telling others like them that you are worth working with.

This alert is a clear ranking factor for Facebook – the more positive reviews you have, the higher your Organic Reach will be. Facebook’s algorithm rates those whose clients speak highly of them above those who are silent or negative.

10. Maximize your Facebook Advertising budget

Facebook has quickly become one of the best tools for advertising. This is an extensive topic, so check out some of our past posts on how to improve lead generation through your Facebook Ads.

We would love to hear from you

Have you been able to beat the Organic Reach decline? We’d love to hear what’s been working for you! Comment here or shoot us a message on Facebook and let us know!

Written by RLO Training